The Influence of Academic Self-Efficacy on Learning Engagement in Online Education in China: The Mediating Role of Effort
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Academic self-efficacy
Learning engagement
Online learning
Mediating role



Submitted : 2024-09-22
Accepted : 2024-10-07
Published : 2024-10-22


The shift towards online intelligent learning has become the norm in education and is now a fundamental part of modern educational activities. However, this new model can influence students’ learning behavior and lead to changes in their approach to learning. Based on online intelligent learning, we investigated how the academic self-efficacy of nursing students affects their engagement with learning and explored the role of academic attribution as a mediator. Five hundred fifty-three nursing college students from Hebei and Hunan provinces in China participated in the online questionnaire. The results revealed that effort plays a mediating role in the relationship between academic self-efficacy and learning engagement.


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