Construction of a Multi-Level Strategic System for Cultivating Cultural Industry Management Talents in Colleges and Universities
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Cultural industry management talents
Personnel training
Multi-level strategic system



Submitted : 2024-09-23
Accepted : 2024-10-08
Published : 2024-10-23


Through SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) and PEST (political, economic, social, and technological) analysis, this study discusses the construction of a multi-level strategic system for the cultivation of cultural industry management talents in colleges and universities. First of all, based on SWOT analysis, it is found that colleges and universities have rich educational resources and policy support, but they face challenges such as insufficient practical teaching and intensified international competition. External opportunities come from the rapid development of the cultivation of cultural industry management talents and policy promotion, while threats come from global market competition and talent flow. Secondly, PEST analysis reveals the key factors in the macro-environment: at the political level, the state vigorously supports the cultivation of cultural industry management talents; at the economic level, the market demand for cultural industries is strong; at the social level, the public cultural consumption is upgraded; at the technological level, digital transformation promotes industry innovation. On this basis, this paper puts forward a multi-level strategic system covering theoretical education, practical skill improvement, interdisciplinary integration, and international vision training. The system aims to solve the problems existing in talent training in colleges and universities and cultivate high-quality cultural industry management talents with theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and global vision, so as to adapt to the increasingly complex and diversified cultural industry management talents market demand and promote the long-term development of the industry.


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