The The Silent Curriculum: Classical Aesthetics as a Catalyst for Emotional and Social Skills in Higher Vocational Education
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Classical aesthetics
Emotional intelligence
Social skills
Silent curriculum
Vocational education



Submitted : 2024-09-22
Accepted : 2024-10-07
Published : 2024-10-22


This study examines the integration of classical aesthetics into the silent curriculum of higher vocational education, emphasizing its potential to significantly enhance emotional and social skills. Incorporating aesthetic principles into education emphasizes the importance of nurturing emotional intelligence, creativity, and cultural awareness in students—skills that go beyond the classroom and are essential for their growth, adaptability, and future careers. It explores theoretical foundations and practical implementations and addresses challenges such as the need for specialized educator training, overcoming institutional resistance, and securing adequate resources. Advocating for empirical research and strategic cultural partnerships, the paper proposes a transformative approach to vocational education, aligning it with contemporary societal and labor market demands, and underscores the vital role of classical aesthetics in enriching vocational training and enhancing student outcomes.


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