Exploration of the Integration of Ethnic Music Elements into Modern Piano Art Creation
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Modern art creation
Ethnic music elements



Submitted : 2024-06-03
Accepted : 2024-06-18
Published : 2024-07-03


Piano originated in Western countries, so a large number of Western cultural elements are used in piano art creation, mainly to present Western humanistic thoughts and spiritual cultural cores to the audience. In recent years, with the modernization of piano art and culture in China, many Chinese listeners have begun to demand more ethnic and folk piano pieces with Chinese characteristics. In order to meet the audience’s pursuit of modern Chinese piano art, more and more creators are integrating ethnic music elements into modern piano art creation. This article explores the integration significance of ethnic music elements in modern piano art creation and the current situation of Chinese modern piano art creation, and finds that ethnic music elements have positive help in enhancing the novelty, ethnic characteristics, and timeliness of piano art creation. Based on this, this article proposes several strategies for integrating traditional ethnic music elements into modern piano art creation, including adapting traditional ethnic music elements, creating pentatonic tunes, and modifying work titles. The aim is to provide references and inspiration for the development of Chinese piano art creation and culture.


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