Three Dimensions of Cultivating New Generations: Value Implication, Scientific Connotation, and Cultivation Path
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New generation of the times
Value implication
Scientific connotation
Cultivation path



Submitted : 2024-06-03
Accepted : 2024-06-18
Published : 2024-07-03


The new generation of the times is the latest requirement for young people in the new era, and it is the latest training goal for young people put forward by the Party and the country in the face of the second centennial goal. At the 19th National Congress, it was put forward by the country that the concept of “new generation of the times” for the first time, indicating the training direction and theoretical guidance for the new generation of the times. The new age requires young people to have firm ideals and beliefs, excellent skills, and a great spirit of responsibility. The proposition of cultivating a new generation of the times is a deep exploration and summary of Marx’s theory of “all-round human development,” Lenin’s youth view and the education view of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and the proposition needs to strengthen the leadership of the Party, give play to the leading role of socialist core values, and the youth themselves should actively act to realize the transformation of theoretical and practical results.


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Marx K, Engels F, 2012, Selected Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 1), People’s Publishing House, Beijing, 146.

Marx K, Engels F, 1972, The Complete Works of Marx and Engels (Volume 23), People’s Publishing House, Beijing, 530.

Lenin VI, 2017, The Complete Works of Lenin (Volume 36), People’s Publishing House, Beijing, 412.

Lenin VI, 2017, The Complete Works of Lenin (Volume 36), People’s Publishing House, Beijing, 477.