Research on the Generation of Professional Skill Modules for Talent Cultivation in the Landscape Architecture Profession for Industry-Education Integration of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
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Landscape architecture profession
Talent cultivation
Industry-education integration
Small and medium-sized enterprises



Submitted : 2024-06-03
Accepted : 2024-06-18
Published : 2024-07-03


Due to industry characteristics or regional limitations, many students in certain majors tend to seek employment in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs face certain challenges in implementing industry-education integration, and there is a lack of mature methods in specific implementation processes and talent cultivation plan generation. Taking the landscape architecture profession as an example, this paper conducts a correlation analysis and cross-analysis of the industry-required professional skills based on surveys of over 300 industry practitioners employed in SMEs. It provides professional skill cultivation modules based on market feedback. This research process and analysis method have certain reference significance for the rapid production of adaptive talent cultivation professional skill modules in other industries targeting SMEs.


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