An Analysis of Innovative Contributions to the Important Discourse on the Development of New Quality Productivity
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New quality productivity
Basic connotation
Important discourse
Realistic approach
Innovative contributions



Submitted : 2024-06-03
Accepted : 2024-06-18
Published : 2024-07-03


The discourse on developing high-quality productivity marks a significant theoretical innovation, which is conducive to the modernization and sinicization of Marxism. It refines our understanding of “new quality productivity,” defining it as an advanced form driven by innovation, embodying “high technology, efficiency, and quality,” with the aim of comprehensively enhancing productivity. It elucidates the necessity of cultivating such forces, asserting that they are crucial for achieving high-quality development, securing a leading position in global technology, and fulfilling the aspirations for a better life. Moreover, it outlines a new implementation route, emphasizing strategies such as fostering technological autonomy, nurturing emerging industries, integrating education and talent in technology, adopting a “build through challenges” approach, adjusting solutions locally, and providing categorized guidance, all of which are based on the ongoing comprehensive reforms.


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The Central Literature Research Office of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiaoping Chronicle, 1975–1997, 2004, Central Literature Publishing House, Beijing.