Developing Red Cultural Resources: The Ascending Path of Cultural Confidence in the New Era——Take Nanyang as an Example
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[4] Wang Aihua et al, Red Culture in Multidimensional view [M]. Chengdu: Southwest Jiao Tong University Press, 2012.
[5] Red culture and socialist core values education, Reader Writing Group. A reading of the education of Red culture and socialist core values [M]. Nanchang: Jiangxi University Press, 2016: 6." />



Submitted : 2020-04-28
Accepted : 2020-05-13
Published : 2020-05-28


[Abstract] Red Culture was formed by our Party, which led the Chinese people during their long-term revolutionary practice. The formation of red culture played a very positive role in the victory of the Chinese people in striving for revolution. Nanyang City is rich in cultural resources, the red culture is splendid and diverse, the historical cultures are rich and colorful with distinct folk culture features. The deep massiveness of cultural resources is a solid foundation for Nanyang City to enhance cultural self-confidence. We should fully excavate the cultural resources of Nanyang City to develop their dazzling contemporary values.


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