Navigating Temporal and Spatial Dimensions: Unveiling the Fictional Essence and Authenticity in the Narrative of The Rise and Fall of Wing Shing Street
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The Rise and Fall of Wing Shing Street
Spatial awareness
Temporal awareness
Cultural identity
Return of the heart



Submitted : 2023-11-01
Accepted : 2023-11-16
Published : 2023-12-01


The novel The Rise and Fall of Wing Shing Street delves into the reality of Hong Kong residents deeply attuned to spatial awareness but detached from temporal significance, entangling emotions surrounding time and space. Through narrative interruption and extension, the author portrays the genuine struggles of Hong Kong inhabitants – juxtaposing the blurred boundaries of time and space and the inherent rootlessness of reality within a fictionalized framework. Emphasizing the 20th-century human condition, wherein spatial awareness overshadows temporal understanding, the novel underscores the consequences: a loss of history and cultural identity. With a fresh perspective, the narrative explores the interplay of time and space, accentuating both the fictitious and authentic dimensions. This prompts readers to reconsider their history, culture, and the current moment, ultimately highlighting the pivotal role of temporal awareness.


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