Mindfulness, Smile, Choice, Practice: Thoughts Based on Improving the Mental Health of Adolescent Secondary Vocational Students
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Morality and people cultivation
Mental health
Psychological experience



Submitted : 2023-10-31
Accepted : 2023-11-15
Published : 2023-11-30


Through the results of observations, questionnaires, tests, and other aspects from students, parents, teachers, schools, and society, we deeply explored the reality in the current education process of secondary vocational students, and actively thought about how to improve the current reality. We also explored the views and concepts more suitable for current students and times, created better educational and teaching activities to enhance students’ perception and experience, so that students can truly enjoy the process, accumulate psychological resources and energy, and successfully complete the tasks of adolescent personality identity and development. Students can follow the self-education path of mindfulness, smile, choice, and practice, truly improve the level of mental health, and lay a solid foundation for becoming high-quality and highly-skilled talents.


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