Research on the Construction and Quality Improvement of Art Curriculum in Rural Primary Schools
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Primary school
Art curriculum
Quality improvement



Submitted : 2024-02-06
Accepted : 2024-02-21
Published : 2024-03-07


Curriculum quality is the foundation of education development and the core element of primary education and teaching. It is a key indicator to measure and evaluate the level of educational development in a country and region. Curriculum quality needs to be examined not only from the perspective of the degree of achievement of the preset curriculum goals, but also from the perspective of students’ subjective feelings and experiences. Art course is the core service provided by the school for students, and the quality of the course is judged by the acquisition and development of students. At the same time, the value of aesthetic education also calls for the reform and improvement of the fine arts curriculum, which requires the fine arts curriculum in all stages in rural areas to get closer and change in this direction. After the promulgation of art curriculum standards, the fine arts curriculum of rural primary schools should follow high quality standards, which is a process of optimization and iteration of various elements of primary art curriculum. The fine arts curriculum of rural primary schools needs to meet the exploration needs of current students, effectively and appropriately develop excellent local resources while enriching the curriculum content, introduce the essence of regional culture and art, improve the evaluation of curriculum quality, and form a scientific curriculum management system, so as to promote the sustainable development of students. According to this understanding, we can improve the quality of art curriculum in rural primary schools from four dimensions: curriculum objectives, curriculum content, curriculum implementation, and curriculum evaluation


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