Research on Practical Pathways of Strengthening Labor Education for College and University Students in the New Era
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Labor education
College and university students
Strengthening pathways
Practice and effect



Submitted : 2024-02-06
Accepted : 2024-02-21
Published : 2024-03-07


Labor education is an essential component of college and university education that can help students to develop a strong work ethic, acquire practical skills, and better understand the value of work. Strengthening labor education for college and university students is an urgent need of the high-quality development of the society and the internal requirement of promoting the all-round development of individuals. This study analyzes the importance of strengthening labor education for college and university students in the new era and proposes four practical pathways which draw on labor courses and campus activities, social practices, scientific research projects, and internships. After implementing these pathways, a survey of 967 students showed that students’ understanding and awareness of labor was deepened, their hands-on skills and interests in science and labor practices were improved, and they became more cordially respectful to the working class. Taken together, the exploration and practice of these pathways helps college and university students to recognize their abilities, strengths, and interests, and guides them to form good labor habits that permeate all aspects of their studies and lives.


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