Study on the Career Development of Young Teachers in Vocational Colleges
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Young teachers
Vocational college
Career planning
Vocational education



Submitted : 2024-02-05
Accepted : 2024-02-20
Published : 2024-03-06


The quality of the teaching staff is crucial to the development of vocational education. Skilled and knowledgeable teachers can provide students with specialized technical knowledge and practical skills. In addition to teaching, teachers also act as mentors in providing guidance and support in all areas to students. However, the development of young teachers faces many problems, such as unclear career plans and a lack of attention to operational skills. This paper analyzes the research findings of past scholars and uses a questionnaire to analyze the problems faced by young teachers in their career development. Based on this, this paper puts forward some targeted suggestions, which can provide guidelines for the career development of young teachers.


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