Comparative Study of Internationalized Talent Cultivation Models in International Higher Education Programs
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International higher education
“Knowledge-Practice-Research” international talent cultivation model
International perspective
Practical ability
Cross-cultural communication



Submitted : 2024-02-07
Accepted : 2024-02-22
Published : 2024-03-08


The internationalization of talent cultivation in the field of international higher education is a widely discussed topic among higher education institutions worldwide. This paper conducts a comparative study of domestic and foreign higher education institutions and identifies some differences in the internationalization of talent cultivation among different countries and regions. Firstly, the study summarizes the changes in talent cultivation through domestic study abroad programs and overseas study programs. Then, this paper introduces the “Knowledge-Practice-Research” international talent cultivation model in China and the international talent cultivation model in Japan as an example. Finally, this study compares the international talent cultivation models in domestic and foreign higher education institutions. The results indicate that the internationalization of talent cultivation models needs to be adjusted according to different training objectives, specific countries, and even regional circumstances to adapt to local characteristics and the international environment. Overall, different countries and regions have different emphases and characteristics in the internationalization of talent cultivation in higher education institutions. However, regardless of the country, higher education institutions should focus on enhancing students’ international perspectives and cross-cultural communication skills to adapt to the globalized economic and social environment.


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