Exploring Factors toward Pursuing a Career in Special Education
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Submitted : 2020-11-30
Accepted : 2020-12-15
Published : 2020-12-30


This study explored factors influencing an individual’s decision to pursue a career in special education.  Twenty-one graduate students in the Southeast who were enrolled in a master’s degree program in special education participated in a survey.  The survey consisted of nine questions that allowed the participants to provide information about (a) their background, (b) factors which contributed towards pursuing a career in special education, and (c) recommendations for university teacher preparation programs to effectively recruit more special education teachers.  The results were summarized quantitatively.  The majority of the participants were pursing special education certification as a second career.  Although their backgrounds varied, they all reported having prior experiences with individuals with disabilities which influenced their decision.  In addition, the most frequently stated recommendation for university teacher preparation programs to recruit special educators was to provide more exposure and experiences with individuals with disabilities.  Overall, the results highlighted the importance of experiences with individuals with disabilities in influencing one’s decision to pursue a career in special education.  


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