Analysis on Developing English Speaking Through Reading in Junior Middle Schools
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English learning activities
Junior middle school
Reading lessons
Oral activities
Core literacy



Submitted : 2023-02-20
Accepted : 2023-03-07
Published : 2023-03-22


In terms of English education, much research has been done on the combination of reading and writing, but there are relatively few studies on the combination of reading and speaking. In this study, the combination of reading and speaking in English through activities was expounded. The effect of this teaching mode was studied based on students’ understanding of the subject, practical application, and transfer of knowledge. The goal of this teaching mode is to develop students’ core literacy and to enable them to interpret and utilize text resources. With these as objectives, teachers can design lessons and evaluations that require students to verbally explain what they understand after reading lessons and guide students in a stepwise manner, from superficial text understanding to in-depth understanding and eventually to thinking beyond text learning, so as to promote the integration and development of students’ language skills, cultural awareness, thinking, and learning ability.


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