The Political Leadership of Mao Zedong
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Submitted : 2020-11-30
Accepted : 2020-12-15
Published : 2020-12-30


This paper presents an analysis of the former Chinese Communist Party leader Chairman Mao Zedong's political career (reigned 1949-1976), with regards to his success and failures. Mao was one of the most prominent Communist theoreticians who governed a quarter of humankind for a quarter of a century. His political philosophy, particularly his Method of Leadership, focusing on the "masses" is discussed here. The analytical arguments are centered on three phases of his leadership: the rise, the apex, and the fall. In the first phase, the paper attributes his victory before 1949 to his profound understanding of Chinese peasants. In the second phase, it elaborates on his successful method of leadership in the early 1950s. And in the third and last phase, it criticizes his disastrous political movements, particularly the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, from the late 1950s to the mid-1970s. The study hopes to offer an objective and a balanced view of Chairman Mao, who had a complex personality and was a highly controversial figure in human history. The article also wishes to help readers gain a better understanding of China's top leader in recent history, and how China came to be what it is today.


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Ball, J. Did Mao really kill millions in the Great Leap Forward? Monthly Review: An Independent Socialist Magazine, 21 September 2006, viewed 13 July 2016,

CNN. In-Depth Specials - Visions of China - Profiles: Mao Tse-tung. 2001, viewed 13 July 2016,

Economist. China and the mirror of history: let's not forget. 4 March 2013, viewed 13 July 2016,

Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Mao Zedong. 2016, viewed 13 July 2016, Mao Zedong. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2008, viewed 13 July 2016,

Tatlow, D.K. Mao's legacy still divides China. New York Times, 5 May 2011, viewed 3 April 2016,

Cain, S. China rewrites history books to extend Sino-Japanese war by six years. The Guardian, 13 January 2017, viewed 3 March 2017,

Phillips, T. Great helmsman or ruinous dictator? China remembers Mao, 40 years after death. The Guardian, 8 September 2016, viewed 8 September 2016,

Schram, S.R. Mao Tse-Tung. 1967, Penguin Books, Baltimore, MD.

Burns, J.M. Leadership. 1978/2010, Harper Perennial Modern Classics, New York.

Terrill, R. Mao: a biography. 2000, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.

Li, Z. The private life of Chairman Mao. 1996, Random House, New York.

Schrift, M. Biography of a Chairman Mao badge: the creation and mass consumption of a personality cult. 2001, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey.

Yang, G. The Red Guard generation and political activism in China. 2016, Columbia University Press, New York.

Dikotter, F. The Cultural Revolution: a people's history, 1962-1976. 2016, Bloomsbury, London.

Johnson, I. China: the virtues of the awful convulsion. New York Review of Books, 27 October 2016, viewed 19 November 2016,

Johnson, I. China's hidden massacres: an interview with Tan Hecheng. New York Review of Books, 13 January 2017, viewed 21 January 2017,

Brown J., Johnson M.D. (ed.) Maoism at the grassroots: everyday life in China's era of high socialism. 2015, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Wilson, D. The people's emperor, Mao: a biography of Mao Tse-Tung. 1980, Doubleday, New York.

Li, N. Mao Zedong in my eyes: a special interview with Mao Zedong's daughter Li Na, 9 September 2013, viewed 2 March 2017,

Mao, Z. Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong. 1967, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing.

Sharma, Y. China seeks tighter ideological control of its top universities. University World News, 1 March 2017, viewed 3 March 2017,