Sexist Prejudice of Primary School Children in Different Urban and Rural Contexts of Spain
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Submitted : 2020-11-30
Accepted : 2020-12-15
Published : 2020-12-30


At present a great deal of historical gender prejudice is still visible in society. It is essential to eliminate these invisible barriers that impede achieving real equality between men and women.  

This article seeks to provide a vision of the perception of primary school girls and boys regarding the masculine and feminine genders. A questionnaire was given to groups of schoolchildren in different locations, including rural areas and large cities such as Madrid, the capital of Spain. In addition to detecting prejudice towards one of the two genders, some of the most often repeated answers were taken into account. On several occasions one of the two sexes, or the two, were linked to intelligence or to the ideal of beauty.

However, differences were not observed in all cases. Comments are made on the most relevant data regarding the predisposition amongst children to link girls with more passive attitudes than boys’.

For many years society has fought to achieve real equality between the two sexes. However, there is still a great deal to be done, and the younger generations have the responsibility of succeeding in having the two sexes live together in a more egalitarian society. The role of education is to encourage this process.


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