Discussion on Raymond Williams’ Methodology of Drama Criticism
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Drama criticism
History of drama
Cultural selection
Emotional structure
Common culture



Submitted : 2021-10-17
Accepted : 2021-11-01
Published : 2021-11-16


Raymond Williams is one of the representative figures of British cultural Marxism and British cultural research. His cultural research, especially mass culture research, focuses on literary criticism. Among them, drama criticism is one of Williams’ most important forms of cultural criticism methodology. Williams’ drama criticism is based on drama history criticism. Through the historical analysis of drama content and form as well as the synchronic analysis of modern drama in different historical periods, including the ongoing drama history, Williams proposed the notion of “structures of feeling.” The emergence of this concept opened up the social critical dimension of Williams’ drama criticism. Drama criticism has become a window for examining, analyzing, and grasping the current social emotional structure or social culture. Furthermore, by implanting tragic plots in the drama, a potential practical strategy of social and cultural revolution can be realized.


Willians R, 1964, Drama from Ibesen to Elio, Chatto and Windus, London, 14.

Williams R, 2013, The Long Revolution [Ni W, Trans.], Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 266.

Williams R, Oromo M, 1954, Preface to Film, Film Drama, London, 21-22. Reprinted by Shu KZ: Williams R, 2011, A Theoretical Study of Cultural Materialism, Xueyuan Press, 191.

Williams R, 2013, The Long Revolution [Ni W, Trans.], Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 75.