Exploring the Educational Value of Mathematical Beauty and Effective Ways of Discovering Mathematical Beauty
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Mathematical beauty
Educational value
Effective way



Submitted : 2021-10-17
Accepted : 2021-11-01
Published : 2021-11-16


The precision of mathematical reasoning, the abstractness of mathematical language, the profundity of mathematical thought and method, as well as the excessive formalization of mathematics teaching have formed an impassable gap, hindering students in approaching mathematics. This has concealed the beauty of mathematics and the light of mathematical culture. However, if students are able to cross this gap, they would find that mathematics is a vast world full of vitality, imagination, wisdom, poetry, and beauty. The pursuit of mathematical beauty is one of the motivations for scientists to research this field. Experiencing mathematical beauty is of great significance to students’ learning and growth. In teaching, the value of mathematical beauty is explored, such as stimulating emotions, opening up to the truth, and cultivating goodness. Several effective ways are suggested in this article to guide students to discover the mathematical beauty in life while finding it in problem-solving methods and exploring it in knowledge systems.


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