Online Teaching of Secondary Vocational Education based on Constructivism
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Constructivist learning theory
Secondary vocational education teachers
Online education
Teaching mode



Submitted : 2021-06-30
Accepted : 2021-07-15
Published : 2021-07-30


Online teaching would become a development trend in the field of education. Based on the characteristics of online education and the theory of constructivism, the elements of online teaching would undergo fundamental changes which would certainly lead to revolutionary educational concepts, contents, designs, methods, etc. With the continuous rapid development of China’s economy, the scale of vocational education has expanded. In combination with the constructivist learning theory to explain the meaning of online education, analysis of the feasibility of secondary vocational education and their students, as well as the online education in secondary vocational schools, a feasible online teaching design is constructed for vocational teachers. Through research, it is found that the online teaching of secondary vocational education teachers based on constructivism requires improvement in some of their abilities and personal qualities.


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