Development of Strategic Industrial Clusters in Guangdong Higher Vocational Colleges based on the “Double High Plan”
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Double High Plan
Professional group
Industrial clusters



Submitted : 2021-06-02
Accepted : 2021-06-17
Published : 2021-07-02


This article analyzed the ten strategic pillar industry clusters and the ten strategic emerging industry clusters which were confirmed and announced by Guangdong Province in May 2020 in addition to the 14 professional groups of schools in Guangdong Province which were shortlisted in the “Double High Plan.” With comparison and analysis, the degree of coincidence between the professional groups of higher vocational colleges and strategic industrial clusters in Guangdong Province which covered most of the industrial clusters was relatively high. The higher vocational colleges that were shortlisted in the “Double High Plan” still required dynamic adjustments in the construction of professional groups to achieve an all-rounded integration of the supply of talents and industrial demands.


Opinions of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance on the Implementation of High-level Vocational Schools and Professional Construction Plans with Chinese Characteristics.

Opinions of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province on Cultivating and Developing Strategic Pillar Industrial Clusters and Strategic Emerging Industrial Clusters.

Notice of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance on Announcement of the List of Construction Units for High-level Vocational Schools with Chinese Characteristics and Professional Construction Plans.

Measures for the Selection and Management of High-level Higher Vocational Schools and Professional Construction Projects with Chinese Characteristics (Trial).

McKinsey Global Institute report.