The New Goal and Path Choice of the Development of China's Vocational and Technical Education
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Submitted : 2021-04-07
Accepted : 2021-04-22
Published : 2021-05-07


The development of China's Vocational and technical education is the inevitable product of the times, which has important practical significance. The definition of the training objectives of undergraduate talents in Vocational Education in China should be placed in the whole higher education system, especially in the distinction between junior college and undergraduate; It is the difference between general education and vocational education in undergraduate level. In order to carry out the reform smoothly and effectively, we should always focus on the goal of talent training, improve the professional level of the school by deepening the integration of production and education, enhance the technical ability of students by strengthening the cooperation between school and enterprise, and guarantee the teaching quality of the school by paying close attention to the teaching staff.