A Probe into the Popularization Ways of Early Childhood Educational Drama in Kindergartens
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Submitted : 2021-02-03
Accepted : 2021-02-18
Published : 2021-03-05


Early childhood education drama lessons can be simply explained as educationally meaningful drama training for children before the compulsory education stage. Its educational characteristics are preschool children as the main body of education, paying attention to the preservation and protection of children’s nature, and through educational drama Symbolic games, imagination games, pretend games, social drama games and other links further expand children's social cognition. Its purpose is to inspire the development of students in moral education through the art form of educational drama, and use drama as a carrier to further liberate children’s nature, enlighten children’s minds, improve children’s personality and through participating in drama appreciation, creation, performance, and imitation. Play a vital role in children's creativity and other aspects. However, there are still many huge problems in the general acceptance and large-scale promotion of early childhood education drama classes in our inland cities. I have discovered the current promotion of kindergarten education drama classes by exploring the promotion methods of early childhood education drama classes in kindergartens. The biggest problem is the lack of professional teachers' resources and the kindergarten's insufficient understanding of the importance of educational drama.