Improving the Ability of Teachers to Address the Special Educational Needs of Students through Capacity-Building Program
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Special educational needs (SEN)
Capacity-building program



Submitted : 2024-03-24
Accepted : 2024-04-08
Published : 2024-04-23


Formal educational institutions are now accommodating students with special educational needs (SEN), necessitating teachers to be adequately prepared to support these students. This study sought to evaluate teachers’ proficiency and familiarity in educating students with SEN both prior to and following their participation in a capacity-building program. The study employed purposive sampling, involving ten teachers responsible for SEN students. The findings unveiled that these teachers possessed limited knowledge and experience in dealing with SEN students before the initiation of the capacity-building program. Following its implementation, the teachers exhibited a substantial enhancement in their knowledge and experience. A comparative analysis indicated a notable contrast between the two sets of data, implying the effectiveness of the capacity-building program. As a result, the researchers recommended the integration of capacity-building programs to ensure teachers are adequately prepared and equipped for their roles.


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