Greenhouse Environment Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network
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Wireless sensor networks
Environmental monitoring



Submitted : 2025-02-15
Accepted : 2025-03-02
Published : 2025-03-17


This paper aims to solve the defects of the existing greenhouse environmental monitoring system, and proposes a monitoring scheme relying on the ZigBee wireless sensor network, which realizes the real-time tracking of greenhouse environmental data with the help of hardware and software cooperation. At the hardware level, the ZigBee wireless sensor network architecture is built with a CC2530 chip as the center, covering the sensor node and the sink node. The software level involves the data collection and transmission of the sensor node, the data receiving and forwarding of the sink node, and the monitoring and management of the host computer. After testing and verification, the system is stable and reliable, the overall structure is simple, the layout is flexible, and can effectively achieve the goal of wireless monitoring of greenhouse environmental data.


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