With the rapid development of tourist villages, the sense of place among local residents has increasingly influenced their development. In recent years, research on local residents’ sense of place has gained prominence, necessitating a comprehensive literature review to enhance understanding in this area. This study employed systematic evaluation and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methods to examine relevant literature. Utilizing resources such as CNKI and AiritiLibrary, 28 papers were selected from 522 that met the study criteria. These papers were reviewed from three perspectives: physical environment factors, social environment factors, and personal factors. The findings of the study show that, firstly, the influence of a variety of factors is felt in the place of the local residents, including historical, cultural, socio-economic, and natural environmental aspects. These factors together shape the feelings and emotions of the local residents towards their hometown. Secondly, the sense of place is crucial to the identification, dependence, and emotional expression of communities and places. Understanding and stimulating the sense of place of local residents is conducive to the development and growth of local communities. This emotion and sense of identity can promote the sustainable development of local communities and support the development of tourism villages. Finally, a sense of place significantly impacts tourism development, including attitudes and support for tourism. This is crucial to the sustainable development of local communities and the successful development of tourism villages. The participation and support of local residents is vital to the prosperity of the tourism industry, as well as the protection and preservation of local cultural and natural resources. Taken together, the study of local residents’ sense of place provides researchers with important insights into the development of tourism villages. These insights can help guide local policy making and the sustainable development of the tourism industry while emphasizing the critical role of local residents in shaping and supporting local development.
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