During the Cold War, a revolutionary cryptographic method, quantum cryptography, emerged. Grounded in the laws of quantum physics, quantum cryptography ensures absolute security using quantum principles. Stephen Wiesner introduced the concept in 1983, but initially received little attention, as technology at the time did not allow the encryption method to be put into practice. The field of quantum cryptography began to take shape with the arrival of two more researchers, Giles Brassard and Charles Bennett. The development of quantum cryptography accelerated dramatically after Artur Ekert proposed the application of Bell’s theorem in this field. Afterwards, more researchers got involved and new theorems and applications were developed, leading the field to become a major subject at the forefront of physics research. This paper explores why quantum cryptography is exceptionally secure and the steps that brought this idea to practice. The paper looks into the intriguing concept of quantum cryptography and the stimulating stories surrounding its progress. From Stephen Wiesner’s original proposal through Brassard and Bennett’s persistent efforts to the exciting debates between Ekert and Brassard and Bennett. This paper highlights the significant milestones and achievements that have positioned quantum cryptography at the forefront of physics research.
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