Analyze the Cultural Efficacy of the Ancient Shipwreck Hailao Porcelain in the New Era from the Perspective of Culture
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Ancient shipwrecks
Hailao porcelain
The ancient Silk Road
Cultural efficacy



Submitted : 2024-10-08
Accepted : 2024-10-23
Published : 2024-11-07


The presence of Hailao porcelain in the world is widespread, with historical, economic, practical, artistic, and other functional attributes, so its comprehensive benefits cannot be underestimated. The development of modern science and technology, and the reasonable and effective development of Hailao porcelain in different times, are conducive to the development of China’s cultural construction. Because Hailao porcelain is different from the traditional ancient porcelain (handed down and unearthed), it is a new cultural research field. This marine wealth has great economic, cultural, and historical value, and plays an important role in the cultural construction and social development of the country in the new period. The cultural efficacy covered by the ancient shipwreck Hailao porcelain includes the functions of inheritance, cognition, education, communication, and so on, which is conducive to the current cultural development. People can use the new perspective and new concept of cultural and creative thinking to make these cultural relics “alive”, give play to the new cultural value, promote the economy of cultural relics and works of art, serve the spiritual and cultural life, and strengthen the cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries in the world.


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