Critical Discourse Analysis of the Portuguese Media’s Coverage of the Belt and Road Initiative: The Case of Portuguese Mainstream Media, Público
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Belt and Road
Critical discourse analysis
Media discourse
International politics



Submitted : 2024-09-02
Accepted : 2024-09-17
Published : 2024-10-02


Since 2013, when the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed by China, this transnational cooperation initiative has attracted a lot of attention and discussion on a global scale. Portugal has been one of the EU countries actively supporting the Belt and Road Initiative and has signed a formal cooperation agreement with China. Coverage of the Belt and Road initiative has become a window into Portugal’s attitude and impression of China. This work uses newspaper-based data from Público to deconstruct the attitudes of the main Portuguese media towards the Belt and Road Initiative in terms of language use, discursive practices, and social practices, using content analysis and critical discourse analysis. The results show that Público uses both positive and negative terms in its coverage of the Belt and Road initiative, reflecting a complex attitude towards it. Criticism of the Belt and Road initiative reflects concern that Chinese policies could affect Portugal’s national interests, including concerns about human rights and environmental protection, among others. In general, media coverage of the Belt and Road initiative in Portugal has been both approving and supportive, as well as critical and challenging, and this attitude is closely related to Portugal’s international policies, economic interests, and social values. Analysis of this coverage provides a better understanding of the complex global impact of international cooperation projects such as the “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the way they are presented in the media of different countries.


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