A Study on Innovative Application of Sustainable Packaging Materials and Design in Banana Preservation and Quality Safety
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Sustainable packaging materials
Banana preservation
Quality and safety
Economic benefits
Environmental benefits
Social benefits



Submitted : 2024-06-11
Accepted : 2024-06-26
Published : 2024-07-11


This paper provides an in-depth study on the innovative application of sustainable packaging materials and design in banana preservation and quality and safety enhancement. The article categorizes sustainable packaging materials such as biodegradable, recycled, and recyclable materials and discusses their design principles. The need for banana preservation is analyzed. The current status of the banana industry, advances in preservation technology and factors affecting quality and safety are examined. The article focuses on the use of these materials in banana preservation and proposes innovations in structural, functional, and personalized design. Through experimental analyses, the article assesses the economic, environmental, and social benefits of these packaging solutions, providing new insights and practical guidance for the sustainable development of the banana industry.


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