A Case Study of Maritime Hydrogen Energy Development in Jiangsu Province in China
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Hydrogen energy storage
Fuel cells
Maritime applications
Offshore wind farms



Submitted : 2024-04-13
Accepted : 2024-04-28
Published : 2024-05-13


This study aims to develop a systematic review of hydrogen energy storage technologies and maritime applications, intending to present an international perspective on the matter. This study analyses the role of advanced storage methods in enabling renewable energy systems integration in coastal regions, using Jiangsu Province of China as an example. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was used as the research method. Data was obtained from research studies over the period 2015–2023. The analysis included a total of 96 papers from Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and ScienceDirect databases. Results show that Europe and East Asia led publications at the intersection of hydrogen storage and marine applications over the past decade. One of the main issues associated with maritime hydrogen adoption found in the dissertation is related to the mismatch between technological readiness levels and commercial maturity. Findings indicate promise for fuel cell integration with ships, ports, offshore wind farms, and other coastal transport sectors. However, the realization of the project depends on infrastructure development, policy support, and viable business models tailored to the marine environment. Focused demonstration projects and public-private collaboration can further progress towards robust hydrogen-based energy storage ecosystems in suitable regions like Jiangsu and beyond.


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