Generative Thinking - The Way of Thinking in Modern Philosophy
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Generative thinking
Modern philosophy
Mode of thinking



Submitted : 2024-03-17
Accepted : 2024-04-01
Published : 2024-04-16


Generative thinking is different from traditional analytical thinking, as it emphasizes the importance  of innovation and creativity. Generative thinking regards knowledge and understanding as not only the ways to discover or explain existing things but also to shape new possibilities through creative processes. In this mode of thinking, students explore the unknown, challenge traditional boundaries and assumptions, and use their imagination to generate new theories, viewpoints, and practical methods. At the same time, the application of generative thinking in modern philosophy spans many fields such as ethics, epistemology, aesthetics, and political philosophy, encouraging individuals and collectives to transcend the status quo, exploring new knowledge fields, and promoting the progress of philosophical thinking.


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