The Aesthetics of Truth and Ecology: The World of Realistic Television Dramas
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Television drama
Ecological aesthetics
Authentic aesthetics
Social identity



Submitted : 2024-03-11
Accepted : 2024-03-26
Published : 2024-04-10


In the continuous dream-building process of China, the public has a broader interpretation of the concept of
home and family wrapped around their daily lives. Family in their daily lives carries the love and care among individuals under the social attributes, while the unity of the country gives the public a firm foundation for life under the undertones of the growing scientific construction. Throughout the past two years, popular Chinese TV dramas, such as Age of Awakening, Ren Shi Jian, and Mountains and the Sea, have revealed the transformation in China’s development under the common terminology of multi-dimensional performance, which embodied the country and family under the great historical changes and reform of the country. This paper takes human behavior as the main perspective and expands the research on the common construction of family and nation based on aesthetics. Real aesthetics advocate through the real-life encounters of ordinary people to reflect contemporary social phenomena. This can stimulate social identity in audiences with the constructed ecology aesthetics by the community.


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