Facing Digital Transformations in Society: A Pilot Study on Perceptions of the Elderly in Guangdong, China
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Digital transformation



Submitted : 2024-03-18
Accepted : 2024-04-02
Published : 2024-04-17


Recently, digital transformation has been rapidly developing in China, along with an increasing aging trend. The elderly are well-pushed to face the challenges brought by this transformation. This study aims to explore the elderly’s perception of a digital-driven society in terms of their abilities to use digital devices or services and the effects of digital transformation on their daily life. This study conducted an online survey among elderly users of digital devices in Guangdong Province, China. It was found that around half of the elderly have used digital devices in their daily life and admitted that digital transformation has made life more enjoyable and convenient. However, because of their physical health status, there were various challenges. The developer of digital devices should well consider the needs of elderly users to enrich a senior-user-friendly society.


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