Research on the Application of Manchu Embroidery Culture in Modern Design
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Manchu embroidery
Modern design
Applied research



Submitted : 2024-03-11
Accepted : 2024-03-26
Published : 2024-04-10


The Manchu ethnic group holds a distinct position in Chinese history, boasting unique characteristics, religious
beliefs, and regional cultures that have significantly influenced the development of Chinese civilization. This vibrant community has cultivated an ethnic minority culture with pronounced Manchu traits. The global call to preserve and highlight intangible cultural heritage resonates strongly, especially within China’s diverse array of such legacies. Among these cultural treasures, Manchu embroidery stands out as a precious gem within the tapestry of Chinese traditional culture. Delving into the essence of Manchu embroidery serves as the focal point of this research. This article embarks on a comprehensive journey into the manifold facets of Manchu embroidery culture. It examines avenues for its perpetuation and practical applications in contemporary life while navigating its inheritance and evolution in modern society. Integrating Manchu embroidery into contemporary design not only upholds its authentic cultural essence but also aligns harmoniously with current trends. Consequently, this fusion enables Manchu embroidery to evolve seamlessly alongside the march of


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