Analysis of the Reasons for the Rejection of Parole Applications in Macao with 10 Criminal Judgments as Examples
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Macao criminal law
Case study



Submitted : 2024-03-17
Accepted : 2024-04-01
Published : 2024-04-16


The criminal law of the Macao Special Administrative Region has been influenced by European criminal law, and its provisions on parole are also very distinctive. This paper analyzes the current judicial situation of the application of the parole system in the Macao Special Administrative Region and carries out the necessary theoretical research and analysis by taking the relevant past judgments as the object of study. Based on the analysis and summarization of the cases, it can be concluded that the parole system of the Macao Special Administrative Region is characterized by the importance of the completeness of the formal and substantive elements, the impact of parole on society, and the individual’s right to consent to parole. Both the protection of the right to request parole and the provision of appeal against parole decisions are the application of the right to parole doctrine.


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