GeoGebra Software as A Guideline for Meaningful Learning of Mathematical Content for Ninth-Grade Students in Ecuador – A Secondary Publication
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Meaningful learning
General education



Submitted : 2024-02-12
Accepted : 2024-02-27
Published : 2024-03-13


The introduction of the GeoGebra software led to a considerable increase in the interactivity of the didactic sequence of learning mathematical contents, a scenario that highlighted the inclusion of the meaningful learning model as the basis of pedagogical proposals. In this sense, the objective of this article was to determine the relationship of the GeoGebra software in the learning of mathematics in ninth-grade students in the General Education (GE) of the Yaruquí Public Educational Unit. Relational research with a non-experimental and transversal design was carried out to measure the variables in 44 ninth-grade students through the collection of data using valid and reliable instruments. The results indicated that a large number of students deemed the interface and interactivity of the GeoGebra software as “appropriate” (> 60%) and showed high levels of information acquisition and incorporation of new knowledge (68.2%). The correlational analysis revealed positive directions and moderate levels between the dimensions of the two variables (0.430 < Rho < 0.515); overall, a direct and moderate correlation was observed between GeoGebra software and mathematical learning (Rho = 0.549, R2 = 0.301). Finally, it was concluded that higher scores in the dimensions of GeoGebra software would manifest in high scores for meaningful learning of mathematical content.


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