Conceptual Design of Transparent Machine Behavior to Facilitate Human-Machine Driving
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Autonomous vehicle
Human computer-interaction
Human-machine driving



Submitted : 2024-02-07
Accepted : 2024-02-22
Published : 2024-03-08


To facilitate human-machine driving, the functions of the intelligent system need to be displayed clearly to the driver. In this way, the driver will be able to understand the goals, plans, and decisions of the intelligent system. In addition to internal states, the transparency of external states such as the level of control during automated driving is also important. However, the current autonomous driving systems do not allow visibility of the tangible state of the intelligent system. Therefore, we designed a Human Machine Interface (HMI) concept that makes the machine’s behavior visible through virtual changes on the steering wheel, foot pedals, and turn signals. In this way, the lack of awareness of the driver due to the loss of tactile feedback from the vehicle can be compensated, and the driver will be able to observe and predict the behavior of the system, resulting in a better human-machine driving experience.


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