Exploring the Cultural Development Path of Chinese Ancient Village under the Perspective of Rural Revitalization: Taking Zhujiayu as an Example
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Rural revitalization
Ancient village
Traditional settlement
Rural tourism



Submitted : 2024-02-18
Accepted : 2024-03-04
Published : 2024-03-19


The ancient village culture contains rich social and psychological accumulation. The revitalization of culture is the core and driving force of rural revitalization, especially for the traditional settlements where people live together for generations, and where material and spiritual cultural values cannot be ignored. Cultural development can be achieved through a variety of ways. As a typical northern-style village in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and a 4A-level scenic spot for the early development of ancient village tourism, Zhujiayu in Zhangqiu, Shandong Province, has undergone a variety of cultural revitalization forms in the process of cultural and tourism integration.


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