Evolution of China’s Right to Health Legislation: A Historical Analysis and Contemporary Insight into Occupational Health Protection
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Occupational health protection
Health policy



Submitted : 2024-02-12
Accepted : 2024-02-27
Published : 2024-03-13


Health is said to be the fundament for personal survival and development, happiness, and is the source of
prosperity and social progress for any nation. During the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party in China, it was ascertained that the protection of people’s health was given greater priority over development strategies. This article explored the changes and evolution of health laws in China over the past seven decades and specifically focused on the recent changes made to the law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases and the Occupational Health Protection Action Plan. The occupational health protection action plan outlined the objectives and specific actions and emphasized the importance of a systematic approach to safeguarding the health rights of workers. This article summarized the potential opportunities for further research and policy considerations aimed at addressing challenges in the evolving landscape of occupational health in China.


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