Exploring the Aesthetics of Stream-of- Consciousness Movies Through the Philosophical Lens of Rationality and Irrationality: An Analysis of Bergman’s Wild Strawberries
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Wild Strawberries



Submitted : 2024-02-07
Accepted : 2024-02-22
Published : 2024-03-08


Stream-of-consciousness movies are a peculiar style of movie influenced by stream-of-consciousness novels, which are characterized by their emphasis on inner thoughts. These movies usually adopt techniques like nonlinear narrative, dream, flashback, and free association, to express the deeper workings of a character’s psyche. Ingmar Bergman’s Wild Strawberries is a masterpiece of stream-of-consciousness movies. It reflects many characteristics of stream-of-consciousness films. This paper analyzes Wild Strawberries from both rationalist and irrational philosophical perspectives, with a focus on three main aspects: the aesthetic interpretation of the film, its content and characters, and the narrative structure and threads. It delves deeply into the artistic attributes of stream-of-consciousness films.


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