Analysis of the Resistance of Elderly Individuals Living Alone in Utilizing Self-Checkout Systems in Supermarkets
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Self-service technology



Submitted : 2024-02-07
Accepted : 2024-02-22
Published : 2024-03-08


Research on the rejection of technology among elderly people who are living alone is still scarce, so qualitative research methods are used to supplement the lack of exploratory research. The research was conducted in Harbin, which ranks middle in terms of economic development in China, and a total of 8 respondents were interviewed. The results of the interview showed that older people lack emotional support, instrumental support, and competence, and have subjective biases. Furthermore, active resistance encompasses factors limited usage opportunities, underdeveloped technology, unfavorable reputation, inefficiency, ambiguous equipment placement, minimal interaction, inadequate product information, and absence of instructional manuals. Conversely, passive resistance, aside from subjective biases, signifies the elderly’s pessimistic outlook on life, including world-weariness, low motivation, lack of initiative, insecurity, fear of technology, cognitive decline, and apprehension about disrupting others’ efficiency by using machinery. Additionally, this study highlights two significant findings: firstly, older individuals proficient in self-checkout technology are willing to accompany their less tech-savvy counterparts through automated aisles to alleviate feelings of isolation; secondly, older adults are wary of approaching employees and strangers, suspecting them of intending to sell products or perpetrate scams rather than provide technical assistance.


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