The Inertia of Post-Pandemic Policies in the US: A Comparative Analysis of Three Pandemics in History
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Inertia of policy
AD-AS model
IS-LM model
US policies



Submitted : 2025-01-06
Accepted : 2025-01-21
Published : 2025-02-05


The US has a long history of combating global pandemics, leading to the development of various macropolicies over the years. These commonalities serve as a guide not only for academic researchers but also for economicagencies. Utilizing the IS-LM model, this essay elucidates the phenomenon of post-pandemic policy inertia and forecaststhe future trajectory of policies in the aftermath of COVID-19. Significantly, the essay thoroughly examines the challengesconfronting current US macro-policies and offers valuable reference points for improvement. Its contribution lies inemphasizing that policies implemented by US governments may prioritize the predictability and certainty of the economyover its recovery, providing insights relevant to a diverse range of stakeholders. Furthermore, the concept of policy inertiaintroduced in the essay can serve as a foundation for subsequent academic exploration and policy analysis, contributing tothe expansion of knowledge in the field.


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