Unveiling Implicit Attitudes Towards the Transgender Community: Exploring the Impact of Level of Religiosity on Bias
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Implicit bias



Submitted : 2024-03-18
Accepted : 2024-04-02
Published : 2024-04-17


Prior research showed a potential link between religiosity and negative attitudes toward various marginalized populations, which raises the question of the impact of religiosity on implicit bias toward transgender individuals. The principal purpose of this study was to examine whether there was a significant relationship between religiosity and implicit bias toward transgender individuals. To address this research question, a diverse sample of participants was recruited and data was collected through surveys and assessments. After data collection, the collected data was subjected to rigorous statistical analyses to explore the potential link between religiosity and implicit bias toward transgender individuals. The correlation between religiosity and implicit bias was 16% (95% CI = 15% to 16%). To examine this relationship, a linear regression model was employed, with religiosity levels as the independent variable and implicit bias scores as the dependent variable. Furthermore, the statistical analyses involved controlling for potential confounding variables, such as age and political ideology, to ensure that the observed relationship between religiosity and implicit bias was not influenced by other factors. Key statistical parameters were generated through regression analyses, including beta coefficients, P-values, and R-squared values, which provided important information about the strength and significance of the association between religiosity and implicit bias.


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