Monitoring and Distribution of Mosquitoes in the Downtown Areas and Migratory Bird Habitats in the Jeonbuk Region, 2021
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Japanese encephalitis



Submitted : 2025-02-02
Accepted : 2025-02-17
Published : 2025-03-04


This survey was performed to monitor the spread of specific mosquito-borne pathogens at Jeonbuk. The frequency of occurrence of mosquito-borne pathogens including Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus, Zika virus, and yellow fever virus was assessed by collecting mosquitoes twice a month from March to December 2021 from various areas in Jeonbuk. A total of 15,975 mosquitoes from 15 species and 7 genera were collected. The highest number of 9,116 mosquitoes (trap index: TI, 506.4) were collected in the Wanju cowshed, followed by the habitat for migratory birds and the downtown area in Jeonju. In the Gunsan habitat for migratory birds, 3,217 mosquitoes (TI, 178.7) were collected in the reed fields, 356 (TI, 19.7) in the men’s toilets, and 1,948 (TI, 108.2) in the women’s toilets. In Jeonju, 677 mosquitoes (TI, 37.6) were collected in Deokjin Park, 358 (TI, 19.8) at Deokjin-gu Office, and 303 (TI, 16.8) at Jeonbuk National University. The largest population of mosquitoes was collected in the men’s toilets in Gunsan and Deokjin Park in downtown Jeonju. RT-PCR was performed to determine the pathogen infection of the collected mosquitoes. The results showed that the mosquitoes were negative for pathogen infection. These results provide a basis for tackling mosquitoborne diseases in the Jeonbuk region.


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