Artificial Intelligence and IET: Subversion, Supervision, and Reconstruction
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Submitted : 2024-12-20
Accepted : 2025-01-04
Published : 2025-01-19


By interpreting the complex phenomena contained in the term “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) from the perspective
of International Economic Law (IEL), this article aims to demonstrate that Information and Communication Technology (IET) is influencing the developments in AI, and these impacts can be either positive or negative. Throughout this process, IET is also undergoing significant and practical transformations itself. Overall, the three most important themes of this article are the interaction between AI and IET, of which the disruptive impact of AI, the need for AI supervision, and the direction of IET reconstruction. By exploring the three clues: By investigating three key areas: advancements in AIrelated technology, economic consequences, and discussions surrounding legal reforms, we can uncover the disruptive influence it has on IET. Amidst this significant influence, numerous debates have emerged concerning specific topics such as regulatory subjects, entities, and approaches, particularly in various governance scenarios. This article will assess the transformations within IET and contemplate the necessity of future adaptations. As artificial intelligence rapidly advances, IET plays a pivotal role in shaping AI across multiple domains, encompassing its development, deployment, and utilization.


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