Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Enterprises’ Outward Foreign Direct Investment in the Context of Global Economic Uncertainty
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Outward foreign direct investment
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Investment and trade



Submitted : 2023-03-26
Accepted : 2023-04-10
Published : 2023-04-25


Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) is an important way to promote China’s economic transformation and achieve high-quality economic development, and it plays an important role in building a new development pattern that focuses on the domestic systemic circulation as the main body, with domestic and international double circulations promoting each other. In the context of the uncertainty of the current global economic environment, investment protectionism is arising in various countries, and there is an obvious trend of anti-globalization. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19, the Russian Ukrainian war, and other conflicts have severely damaged the global economy and investment, significantly increased the risk of overseas investment, and reduced the confidence in outward foreign direct investment. Chinese enterprises face serious challenges and problems in OFDI. This article starts from explaining the current situation of Chinese enterprises’ OFDI and continues with an analysis on the existing problems and puts forward suggestions to increase foreign investment in China.


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