Research on the Countermeasures for the Guidance of Fire Control Public Opinion on New Media
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Fire protection
Breaking news
Public opinion guidance
Social media platform



Submitted : 2022-07-31
Accepted : 2022-08-15
Published : 2022-08-30


With the rapid development of the Internet, new media not only have an impact on traditional media, but also provide news with faster access to information and a wide range of ways of dissemination. In this paper, the current emergence of a variety of network public opinion is analyzed. Hence, as a countermeasure, correct understanding of information and proficiency in using new media is needed. Establishments and organization also play a role in guiding people’s opinion towards the right direction. With that, better scientific and reasonable solution can be given during the emergence of a variety of network public opinion and information of a fire can be spread on time. Finally, in achieving correct guidance of fire emergency reporting in the self-media environment, not only can the values of media science be reflected, social stability and healthiness can be maintained the substantive pursuit of building a harmonious society is prospected can be met.


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