Research on the Development of Music Information Retrieval and Fuzzy Search
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Music information retrieval
Fuzzy search
Humming query
Acoustic fingerprint
Melody extraction



Submitted : 2022-03-29
Accepted : 2022-04-13
Published : 2022-04-28


With the popularization of modern broadband networks, many network resources are serving as media for the public to seek knowledge. In order to help users avoid spending hours searching for music-related information, establishing an efficient multimedia database is the main goal of the music retrieval system. Network music retrieval users are usually unfamiliar with the songs and can only remember a portion of the music track, so it is important to develop a fuzzy algorithm in music search. In this research, the function and frame of various current music retrieval systems are discussed, a comparative analysis is carried out, and a new fuzzy search feedback learning algorithm is proposed as a potential application and the futuristic trend of music retrieval systems, so as to improve the retrieval efficiency.


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